The Good Old Song on the road
Wahoowa! The Glee Club shakes up the Roxbury Latin School (Boston area) early Monday morning.
Wahoowa! The Glee Club shakes up the Roxbury Latin School (Boston area) early Monday morning.
And…they’re off! The Glee Club arrived in Northampton, MA, today. They’re rehearsing with the Smith College singers and orchestra this afternoon and will present a lively incarnation of Orff’s Carmina Burana tomorrow night. Check Frank’s tour blog at for daily details, and visit our EVENTS page to see the entire itinerary. Bon voyage, gentlemen!
Join The Virginia Glee Club as we journey to Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio and Illinois for concerts between March 9 and March 15, 2013. Tour information is available in the Upcoming Events menu on the right-hand side of this page. We hope you can join us for one of our concerts on the road!