Executive Committee

The Virginia Glee Club is a 501(c)(3) non profit chorus. Our executive committee is elected by general membership during the spring semester and serve one year in office. Members of the Virginia Glee Club Executive Committee are compromised of undergraduate and graduate students from throughout the University of Virginia who have been members in Glee Club for at least one season, upholding the value of student self-governance and longstanding Glee Club traditions.


President, Noah Sylvester

Noah is a 4rd year Music and Foreign Affairs double major from Arlington, VA. In his spare time he enjoys playing bass and piano, hanging out with friends, and playing D&D. After serving as Vice President last season, he is looking forward to serving the Glee Club as its President.

Contact: president@virginiagleeclub.org

Vice President, Kidus Fasil

Kidus Fasil is a masters student in Computer Engineering. He is looking forward to working with alumni relations, planning social events, and continuing his journey on exec. 

Contact: vicepresident@virginiagleeclub.org


Business Manager, Jay Kim

Elijah is a fourth year psychology major who wants to give back to this amazing club which has become a home to him. He hope to help make club a warm and inviting environment for all.

Contact: businessmanager@virginiagleeclub.org

Publicity Manager, Benjamin Tang

Benjamin Tang is a second-year studying Sociology from Thousand Oaks, California. Outside of Glee, Ben is a member of Army ROTC and is hoping to commission as a second lieutenant in the future.

Contact: publicitymanager@virginiagleeclub.org


Secretary, Juneray Xia

 Juneray Xia is a second year student studying Nursing. He is excited to be working as secretary on Glee Club the Glee Club Executive Board. 

Contact: secretary@virginiagleeclub.org