2016-2017 VGC Executive Officers

Meet the newly elected slate of officers for our 2016-2017 season!  After a substantial transition period since the February elections, these fine men officially take the reins of our beloved 145-year-old Virginia Glee Club on Founder’s Day, April 13th.

Joseph Marchese-Schmitt, President

Joseph Marchese Schmitt koalaJoe is from the beautiful town of Baldwin, New York, and is currently a 4th Year Sociology Major in the College of Arts and Sciences.  He will be staying in Charlottesville for a 5th year to get a Master’s in the Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy. Joe has been a dedicated member of Club for four years, since his first semester first year,  and is excited to be able to spend an extra year singing with the VGC. During his time in Club, Joe has served as a VGC Board Member and New Guy Commander.

Will Wheaton, Vice President

Will WheatonA native of Chesapeake, Virginia, Will is an avid singer, performer, and academic. He has sung for most of his life, though not with any group until middle school. He also plays violin and guitar. Non-musically, he participates often in Scouting programs and is an Eagle Scout, a Vigil Honor member of the Order of the Arrow, and a Silver Award member of Venturing, BSA.  Will currently serves as the Business Manager and will become Vice President in April.

Kevin Chen, Business Manager

Kevin Chen koalaKevin is the current Vice President of the Glee Club, and the future Business Manager (2016-2017). Kevin has enjoyed planning the Annual Dinner, editing both the Newsletter and the Member Guide, and drafting email blasts to keep Alumni and Friends abreast of Club’s recent activities. Incidentally, he is also a double major in History and Foreign Affairs at the College of Arts and Sciences. A third year international student from Singapore, he enjoys reading in his spare time. Because what else would a History major do?

Drew Lytle, Publicity Manager

Drew Lytle koalaDrew is a 1st year in the Engineering School and will serve as Publicity Manager in 2016-17.  Straight out of Herndon, Virginia, Drew joined the Virginia Glee Club last semester and has fallen in love with Club.  His background in marketing and the digital media arts made him a strong contender for the position of Publicity Manager.  During his tenure, he plans to utilize his skills and the skills of others in club to connect and grow its audience.


Andrew Orvedahl, Secretary

Andrew Orvedahl koalaAndrew is a second year from Fairfax, Virginia.  He is double majoring in Physics and Classics with a concentration in Latin.  Currently the Club Historian, Andrew joined in his first few weeks at the University and was King of the New Guys in his recruitment year.


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