Thank you for answering your phones during this year’s phonathon!


There are many ways you can support the Virginia Glee Club. As a private non-profit and affilliated organization of the University of Virginia, we receive no direct funding from the University and rely solely on the generosity of our Alumni, Family, and Friends to continue to provide memorable musical experiences for our singers.

Give today!

Text ‘wafna’ to 41444 to give via your mobile device or click here!


Writing a check? Great! Mail it to:

Virginia Glee Club

PO Box 4827

Charlottesville, VA 22905

This season we are specifically soliciting for our Tour Fund! Our bus trip to the southern states March 2 – 9, 2024 will include stops at East Tennessee State University, Georgia State University, a special performance in the Mississippi State House, the McCallie School for Boys, and Hollins University. In order to pay for transportation and lodging to provide these outstanding experiences for our singers, we rely on you -our alumni, family and friends.

Performing ensembles have other costs as well including hiring staff, printing programs, and renting venues to provide the University and Charlottesville communities with unforgettable choral performances. You can help with these day to day costs with a gift to the General Fund.

Finally the Glee Club is grateful to be the beneficiaries of three Alumni administered endowments. A gift to either of these funds will be invested for the long term financial health of Virginia Glee Club.

Thank you for your support in our 153rd season of Harmony, Love, & Brotherhood at the University of Virginia. Please contact us if you have any additional questions about giving or estate planning.

Other Ways to Support:

Buy Tickets!

Buy Merch!

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