International Tour 2016: ARGENTINA


03/04/2016 - 03/12/2016    
All Day

jay concert list image title only

The Glee Club is now touring domestically and collaborating with women’s choirs annually.  This year we will expand our horizons, bringing harmony, love and brotherhood worldwide.

The 2016 tour to Argentina is the first international tour to be taken in over 15 years, is only seventh overseas tour in our 145 year history, and is the Club’s first ever trip to the southern hemisphere.

The Virginia Glee Club is pleased to announce concert information for our upcoming tour to Argentina. Most of our friends here in the United States will not be joining us in South America, certainly, but we hope our fellow Hoos in Buenos Aires and lovers of choral music in the area will come out to hear the Club. We are privileged to perform in these historic spaces and are excited to experience the culture of this beautiful country.

Sunday, March 06, 2016 – 6:00 pm
Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary – City of Buenos Aires

Parroquia Nuestra Señora del Rosario – Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Bonpland 1987, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

lady of the rosary 2

Tuesday, March 08, 2016 – 8:00 pm
City Hall of La Plata
Salón Dorado Municipal
Calle 12 Entre Avs. 51 y 53 | Frente a Plaza Moreno, La Plata 1900, Argentina

la plata city hall

Thursday, March 10, 2016 – 8:00 pm
with guest chorus,
Coro de la Camerata Exaudi
The First United Methodist Church in Buenos Aires
Primera Iglesia Evangélica Metodista
Avenida Correintes 718, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

FUMC buenos aires

Thank you to all our families, fans, alumni and donors who have made this trip possible.

Support the Tour Fund with a donation in any amount!

Contact the Club for further information, and stay tuned for Frank’s Blog beginning March 5th!




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